Hamza Sobhi BatterjeeChairmanEmail: HSBatterjee@megamind-it.com BiographyMr. Hamza Sobhi Batterjee, President of Megamind IT Solutions is a young, astute, and visionary business leader that is leading...
Program Manager Job Description: Developing new programs to support the strategic direction of the organization. Creating and managing long-term goals. Developing a budget and operating plan for the...
Information System Compliance Manager Job Description: Information System Compliance Manager is responsible for ensuring that the company is conducting its business in full compliance of with all national...
Portfolio Manager Job Description: Should work with data analysts to conduct company research of the markets, monitor various investments, and make predictions that will help guide business and...
Procurement Specialist Job Description: Procurement Specialist responsibilities include researching new suppliers, ensuring that all purchased products and materials meet our specifications, and negotiating with vendors as needed. Ultimately, you...
Healthcare Command & Control Center A Healthcare Command & Control Center is a centralized location where healthcare professionals can monitor and analyze data from across an organization to...
RPA & Human Digitals Megamind’s RPA & Human Digitals combines robotic process automation (RPA) and human digitals to automate and augment tasks.Robotic process automation (RPA): RPA is a software...
AI, Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Solution Megamind’s AI, Data Analytics & Business Intelligence Solution helps organizations make better decisions with data.Improve decision-making: Megamind’s solution can help organizations improve...
MedEndo AI based GI Endoscopy SolutionMedEndo is a real-time artificial intelligence (AI) endoscopy video analyst that provides a second observer in the endoscopy room. It is compatible with...
MedCough AI based assessment of cough Lower respiratory infections such as COPD and pneumonia are the main cause of death worldwide. Despite such importance, there is relatively low...